
Ms. Brownell




I just wanted to let all of my students know how much I miss them and am looking forward to seeing them when we return.  During this time at home there are many things that parents can do to help their child continue learning.

1.  Listen to your child read.  As they are reading, ask them questions about what is happening in the story.

2.  Encourage them to write.  They can journal or write a story.  Anything that encourages them to get their thoughts and ideas written down on paper.

3.  Have your child practice their math facts.  Students in 1st and 2nd grade can practice their addition and subtraction facts.  Students in 3rd grade and higher should practice their multiplication and division facts.  It is very important that the students be fact fluent so that they can apply these skills to problems that require higher order thinking.  This can be done through flash cards or online.  Flashcards can be used to play Memory and Go Fish.  A regular deck of playing cards can be used to play war.  Students can put down two cards at a time.  The players either add, subtract, or multiply the numbers on the cards.  The player with the highest answer takes all the cards.  

4.  Bake or cook with your child.  Have your child use different size measuring cups to get to the correct amount of ingredients.  This is a great way for the students to practice fractions and become more comfortable with them. 

5.  Have your child spend a few minutes on any of the websites that the teachers have sent home for extra practice.  The students have access to many websites such as prodigy, Go Math and I -Ready that allow them to practice previously learned skills in a fun and interactive way.



Please feel free to contact me through my email at tracey.brownell@dor.org if there is anything I can do to help your child’s learning continue through this time apart.